As a young boy in the ‘50s, George Christie remembers being in awe when he first saw a motorcyclist coming through town on a decorated Harley Davidson wearing a Levi vest with the sleeves cut off.
“That just stuck in my mind,” Christie described to St. Louis on the Air host Don Marsh on Friday’s program, “… [Someone] talking to my father became so upset [at the motorcyclist] and I thought, ‘gee, this is a pretty powerful position [the motorcyclist] is in and he’s not even paying attention to anybody, he’s just minding his business.’”
Christie later went on to become a leader of the notorious Hells Angels Motorcycle Club and remained dedicated up until one day in 2011, when he left the gang after deciding that he would not partake in the many fights the gang was involved with.
“We were fighting every major bike club in the world at the time,” he explained. “Historically, when you run out of people to fight, you turn inward and I said, ‘I don’t want to be here for that.’”
So how does one quit the Hells Angels? Christie said “very carefully.”
Christie shocked fellow club members when he walked into their meeting and announced his decision to quit.
“I took my patch off, folded it up … and the walk to the door to cross that threshold out into the street was the longest walk I ever took,” he said. Upset with Christie’s decision, the motorcycle club banned any members from interacting with Christie.
“I’ve been very cautions. I’m not in fear of my life … I don’t lose any sleep at night but it’s something I think about,” he added.
Since his departure, Christie transitioned to a new career in writing, speaking, promoting concerts and consulting for defense attorneys.
Christie portrays his life in the motorcycle gang and beyond in the the solo stage production, "Outlaw."
The play, based on Christie’s television show, “Outlaw Chronicles” and book, “Exile on Front Street,” conveys what motivated Christie to make the life decisions he made.
Despite the life of crime and danger, Christie said he would still do it all again.
“I absolutely would; it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks I guess,” he added. “When I walked into [motorcycle club] culture, there’s nothing like riding one of those motorcycles you hand built.”
Related Event:
What: George Christie's "Outlaw"
When: 8 p.m. June 29 & 30, 2018
Where: Playhouse at Westport Plaza, 635 Westport Plaza, St. Louis, MO 63146
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